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Main difference between Magnesium Sulphate Board and Magnesium Oxide Board

Main Difference between Magnesium Sulfate Board and Magnesium Oxide Board

Magnesium sulfate board and magnesium oxide board might appear similar but there are some important differences between these two materials. In this article, we look at the difference in their make-up and, more importantly, the various applications of these boards to help you choose the most suitable one for your next project.

Magnesium Sulfate Board

Also referred to as MGSO4 board, chloride free board or sulfate MGO board, magnesium sulfate board is a waterproof and lightweight non-flammable and non-asbestos panel product that is commonly used in SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels), decoration and construction. The board is made of magnesium oxide (MGSO4), magnesium sulfate, wood fiber and per-lite. Magnesium sulfate board has a specific temperature and a long curing duration. It provides excellent performance in stability, impact strength and bending strength.

Magnesium sulfate board, also known as MgO sulphate board or MgSo4 board, is widely used in building construction in recent years, its biggest advantage is not to absorb moisture back to halogen, and there are many sources of magnesium sulfate, including the reuse of industrial waste acid.The main raw materials of magnesium sulfate board are magnesium oxide, magnesium sulfate, perlite, halogen, fiberglass mesh and so on.

MagMatrix MgO Board

The main features of magnesium sulfate include

Waterproof Fireproof Non-asbestos Heating isolation Light weight Sound reduction Impact resistance.

This board has been exported to the USA, the UK, Australia, Ireland, Chile, New Zealand, Thailand, Poland, etc.

Applications of magnesium sulfate board include

The Decorative applications For Internal Wall, Partition & Ceiling The Underlay board for Floor and Wall tile The Sub-roof board

Magnesium Oxide Board

Magnesium oxide board, also called MgO board, is a factory-produced on-insulating sheathing board. It has a variety of applications, including under layment, tile backing, soffits, fascias, and ceiling and wall linings.

The board is made from the mineral cement called magnesium oxide. It serves as a form of cement board or drywall. However, it has additional properties such as all-weather ability, fire resistance, mold/mildew resistance, and strength among others.

When used in the context of building construction, magnesium oxide board is available in a variety of sheet sizes and thicknesses. Available grades for this board include utility grades, rough textures, and smooth finishes. MgO board is light gray, beige or white in color. It produces a "hard" sound when you knock it with your knuckles.

MagMatrix Multi-Support MgO Board

Magnesium oxide board can be used like cement and gypsum sheathings in many of its applications. However, even though the applications are similar, the substitution is not one-to-one in terms of joint treatments, fastening methods and sheet thicknesses. Magnesium oxide board is the easiest to use among all these options.

The possible uses of magnesium oxide board include

Partitions Fire walls Shower stall tile backer board Structural sheathing for wood or metal stud walls Shaft liners Facings for structural panels designed to use MgO as the facing Soffits Ceilings Fascia Substrates for insulated and coating systems (e.g., Stucco, EIFS, and Direct-Applied Finish Systems)

Magnesium oxide board is harder than drywall, but it can still be scored and snapped with enough effort. It's primarily used as like a cross between cement boards and drywall. You can use a power saw to cut MgO board. Moreover, you can drill through it and fasten the same way as other comparable boards. Sawing through it produces dust so precaution should be taken even though the dust is inert.

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