Manmohan S. Mahal literally had a change of heart. Thirty-one years ago, the mechanical engineer got a heart transplant that saved his life—and that made him passionate about leaving the world a better place.

He became a dedicated environmentalist. And then, in 2018, he, like so many others, was horrified by the destruction of thousands of homes in Paradise after the Camp Fire raged through it.
Mohan Mahal
“I realize there has to be a better way to build homes,” he said. He set himself a dual goal: SIDCO Homes would build smart homes powered by clean energy capable of resisting the ravages of fire. After building his first test home in Hollister in 2022, he’s refined the process and has just built a new home at 3561 Park Blvd. in Palo Alto. Built from the ground up, the house is a beautiful testament to what is possible with innovative modern technologies.
“We’re on a mission to revolutionize how homes are built in California,” said Manmohan, who goes by Mohan.
The 3-bedroom, 3.5-bath home at 3561 Park Blvd. is entirely electric, with a Tesla Solar-equipped roof and dual Powerwalls providing renewable energy. Radiant heating and cooling conserve energy and, along with high-density insulation and triple-pane windows and doors, allow for perfect home temperature control. The air is filtered for a healthier environment. That will keep smoke out during wildfire season and keep dust at a minimum, which is excellent for those who suffer from asthma or allergies. A steel frame combined with SIDCO’s innovative fire-resistant paneling makes the home as fire-resistant as possible. Meanwhile, a gray water system recycles water used in the house for landscaping needs, and any extra is filtered through a rock pit and then goes toward replenishing the groundwater supply. Mohan said the insulation not only keeps the temperature controlled but also keeps all the train noise out.
“You have to experience the house,” he said. “You have to feel it.”
Only one lucky buyer can purchase the home on Park Blvd., but Mohan hopes it will be a model for many other dream homes. If you want your home built from the ground up to be independent of fossil fuels, enjoy superior modern design, and be safe from fire, contact SIDCO Homes today for a consultation. To see what’s possible, you can check out the listing at 3561 Park Blvd. in Palo Alto at an open house today from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. DeLeon Realty lists the property. The home will also be one of many showcased on the Electric Home Tour organized by Acterra on Saturday, Oct. 19, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, go to

All SIDCO Homes come with these building innovations:• Our patented Eco Smart Panels replace using OSB and plywood to save lives and property.• Eco bright material is termite-proof, mold-proof, moisture-resistant, and designed to reduce CO2 in the environment.• The fire-resistant home is all-electric, supported with 100% renewable energy, and uses no fossil fuels•. Construction is quality-controlled, saving both time and money and producing a home of superior quality compared to a traditionally built home. MagMatrix is the partnership with SIDCO Homes to supply our BMSC 517 new sulfate MGO panels to help build full sizes and scopes of fire rated and low carbon and energy-efficient homes from the fire-rated exterior sheathing, roof sheathing, and subfloor sheathing systems and help fabricated the patented SIP panels load bearing wall systems.